Digital Calipers

Sylvac calipers are hands down the best quality electronic calipers available on the market today. Some may say that is a bold statement but for everyone else who has had the pleasure of using Sylvac calipers, that statement makes perfect sense. Sylvac has been one of the industry leaders for electronic calipers since it introduced the Ultra Cal II to the world over 25 years ago.

Since the Ultra-Cal II, Sylvac has released 3 more generations of their calipers over the years. Each generation has a few more bells and whistles than the previous and better data output. Sylvac is known throughout the industry for their great electronics for data collection. All Sylvac calipers can be hooked up to a PC with either a serial or USB cable. Bluetooth communication is also available.

For Bluetooth connection to a SMART device, download the SYLVAC ANYWHERE application for Android and IOS.

For Bluetooth connection to a PC or D300S display, please also purchase dongle part no. 981-7100 (up to 8 instruments connected per dongle).

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