PC-DMIS CMM is the world's leading metrology software for Coordinate Measurement Machines, both DCC and Manual. PC-DMIS comes in four versions: PC-DMIS PRO, PC-DMIS CAD, PC-DMIS CAD++ and PC-DMIS Touch. Each addresses a particular range of customer requirements.

PC-DMIS PRO gives users access to a full range of part programming, evaluation and reporting capabilities through an easy to use, fully configurable GUI. PC-DMIS makes complex operations simple without sacrificing capability. Operations like defining datums, constructing features, selecting geometry and dimensioning are done with a few mouse clicks. Users interact with graphical representations of the features they've measured. They generate reports from a full set of pre-defined templates or build their custom output using a flexible report-builder module. PRO also allows customers to meet specific requirements by adding their own macros and high level language routines.

PC-DMIS CAD adds CAD capabilities to PC-DMIS PRO. It allows users to import and export CAD modules in a range of standard formats including native CAD. With it customers develop, test and debug part programs directly on CAD models. The software extracts information directly from the model. This dramatically reduces the time required to generate part programs and eliminates most data entry errors. During execution, PRO compares the measured data directly to the CAD model and then graphically reports the deviations against it.

PC-DMIS CAD++ adds enhanced scanning and measurement capabilities to PC-DMIS CAD. In scanning, it supports a wide range of probing devices and includes a set of predefined scanning routines. CAD++ includes algorithms for 2D best-fit, 3D best-fit and iterative alignments that let users align the most complex aerospace and automotive parts. It also includes a full library of pre-defined routines for measuring complicated sheet metal features.

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