PRECITEC LR Optical Sensor
Offering excellent measurement quality for a range of challenging surface contours and material types, the PRECITEC Lateral Resolution (LR) optical sensor is a versatile white light laser inspection solution for a huge number of industrial applications including roughness and layer thickness measurements
Adding a non-contact sensor option to the tactile probing and scanning functionality of coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), the PRECITEC LR can be automatically exchanged with tactile probes as part of a multisensor setup for a more complete measurement solution.
The PRECITEC LR is a highly-accurate optical sensor which uses focused white light to take measurements on even the most complex surfaces, including matte, reflective and coated surfaces, plastics, glass and other transparent materials.
When tactile measuring technology reaches its limits, optical sensors can take over. Optimised for use with the ultra-precision Leitz PMM-C, Leitz Ultra or Leitz Inï¬nity CMMs, the PRECITEC LR optical sensor is particularly accurate at the submicron level. With a large acceptance angle, the sensor is ideally suited to inspecting heavily-inclined surfaces while the non-contact measurement method is perfect for fragile parts.