Ultralight Calipers

Sylvac's lightweight heavy-duty electronic digital calipers include sizes up to 3000mm and resolution of .01mm. This has been achieved by designing a well-balanced instrument utilizing state-of-the-art material technology. Functional parts are made of the latest wear-resistant materials - aluminum beam reinforced by four stainless steel guides. This system assures perfect guidance and protects the beam against shocks.

Constant measuring pressure control ensures constant measuring force and parallel pressure on jaws. It's important with large calipers, since measuring pressure plays an important part when checking large diameters on bores.

These Calipers offer many advantages over conventional calipers: Lightness improves measuring results. Measuring pressure control for improved repeatability. All work contact faces are titanium-coated on hardened steel or are solid carbide. Fixed left jaw increases rigidity.

Special Features:

Integrate Bluetooth® wireless technology.

Internal and external measurements with two presets.

Min/Max functions.

Hold feature freezes display for later viewing.

Incremental floating zero.

Large, high-contrast LCD display indicates in/mm, hold and zero functions.

New low drain, high efficiency lithium wafer battery— 4500 hrs. of continuous on-time.

Direct inch/metric conversion.

Includes fitted wooden case.

Special application accessories available.

Extended measuring range available.


For Bluetooth connection to a SMART device, download the SYLVAC ANYWHERE application for Android and IOS.

For Bluetooth connection to a PC or D300S display, please also purchase dongle part no. 981.7100 (up to 8 instruments connected per dongle).

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