Creaform 3D scanners bundled with the VXintegrity Software platform are the only technique available on the market that offers metrology-grade accuracy, traceable data over time, and human-independent results that eliminate measurement variations and ambiguity in result interpretation.

Composed of four software modules designed specifically for the NDT industries, VXintegrity combines NDT knowledge and market intelligence to raise the quality of analysis and reporting to a higher level.

Also known as Pipecheck, the NDT Pipeline Inspection Module delivers accurate results and in-depth analyses directly onsite, enabling pipeline owners to establish valid diagnoses and quickly make appropriate repair decisions. This allows them to stick to their budget and schedule, ensure employee safety, and maintain public health and trust.

Also known as SmartDENT 3D, the NDT Surface Inspection Module is the first dedicated 3D visualization software designed for aircraft assessment and the characterization of dent damage on aircraft surfaces. More accurate and faster than traditional methods, the software module limits the operators' impact on measurements and shortens the time needed to generate final reports, providing OEMs with comprehensive data on issues that require further analysis.

The Surface Damage Inspection Module delivers absolute measurements of thickness loss—with no possibility of human error—on curved and complex geometries that plant owners can fully trust when deciding to shut down their plant or refinery for maintenance work.

The Monitoring Module enables asset owners to enter the digital age confidently. It is the only NDT technique available on the market with the required accuracy, noise level, and data quality to characterize, follow, and compare damage evolution over time—detecting even the slightest variation in geometry or thickness.

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